
Oh hi there.

Are you looking for a blog about the real nests of real humans as curated by a real lady?

Well, come on in then!

The walls are talking

The walls are talking

Sometimes you can’t come up with a good post title and it may share the title of a book about abortion clinics. I assure you this has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with how the walls and background accents in this Montreal home knock it out of the ballpark with their sophisticated rawness. What I most admire is that they chose a few beautiful pieces of furniture without cluttering too much and let the walls (and ceilings) help them shine. Then the furniture returns the favour all like, “look how amazing I make these walls and ceiling beams look.” It’s very symbiotic really. Couldn’t I just buy a small experimentation house and rip out all the drywall in the ceilings and walls, hope for the best, and get just a few kijiji gems and vintage Montreal Olympics posters to sprinkle about casually? I’m sure it’s that easy and it wouldn’t look like the time an elderly woman tried to restore a Jesus fresco and somehow made Jesus look like an adorable, fluffy monkey who accidentally wandered onto a horror movie set.

As you peruse these images, please imagine my round of applause in the background. These fuckers really nailed it.

Greener grass

Greener grass

What's black and white and scandi all over?

What's black and white and scandi all over?