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Open letter to Marie Kondo

Open letter to Marie Kondo

Dear Marie Kondo,

I was just wondering, you know that moment after you finish decluttering your life and you're just standing there admiring your perfectly folded clothes that are standing up on their own like jaunty little origamis? At that very smug moment, does your mother then burst through the door carrying 2 giant tupperwares and 3 ikea bags full of utter crap that you had stashed in her basement a year ago then forgotten about? Does the perfection just immediately unravel and revert into a hoarder's paradise with drawers whose bellies are greedily bursting beyond full? Or closets that make you flinch when you open them because they are wont to shooting out their pressurized contents at your skull? Do you then decide, fuckit, I'm just going to own who I am? No, maybe I am not Marie Kondo, but I am a fabulous vintage-furniture-and-clothes-that-are-too-small-for-me-or-my-children hoarder and I am always ready for a mid century apocalypse. One day, on the eve of destruction, if a thinner version of me and her tiny babies come a-knocking at my door begging me for some no longer fashionable clothes and 2 mismatched vintage diner chairs to somehow help them survive the end of days, I will be ready. Of course, I would have to first make sure the chairs made sense in her space with the look she was going for before I just handed them over. How about you, Marie Kondo? What will you decorate your dystopian bunker with? Perfectly folded onesies? I bet it would actually be really pretty. I didn’t mean to sound like a B.

For the record, I even got to the point of selling my most absurd acquisitions on facebook marketplace. I was going full Kondo. Can I give you some advice? Don't ever try to sell 2 adult zombie body suits online unless you want to deal with the type of people that would buy such a thing. Who needs a zombie body suit in January unless they plan to masturbate in the mirror while wearing it? The multiple inquiries I got were pretty much all from variations of the same coked up body builder d-bag with tribal tats. So yeah, I'm just going to go ahead and burn the costumes and forgo the $20 I might have earned. Then  I will neatly tidy the ashes, thank the ashes for their service in an adorable voice, and throw them in my neighbour’s back yard while he sleeps, for no particular reason.

We bought them for my 5 year old son, by the way. So we could be a zombie gang for Halloween. You may not find it as surprising as we did that it is hard to look appropriate in a body suit when you are ‘somewhat’ overweight and handing out Halloween candy to children. We had to put regular clothes on top of our body suits to hide our shameful camel toes. Perverts, Marie Kondo. We looked like fucking perverts.

All that to say, your Kondo magic didn't quite take over here. In repentance for my failure, let me offer you pictures of other people's more Kondo'd homes that are for sale in Montreal should you want to buy them all. I honestly think if I bought even just one of them, I might try a bit harder at the Kondo thing.

Your fan as always,

Lady Nest

Here’s a little Marie Kondo real estate playlist to browse by.

Welcome to the jungle playroom

Welcome to the jungle playroom

Ode to a gynecologist at sea

Ode to a gynecologist at sea