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Well, come on in then!

25 Montreal cottages for undy three hundy

25 Montreal cottages for undy three hundy

We immigrated to Canada from Poland when I was 3 years old. I had a bowl cut and liked to speak a pretend language I fancied sounded like French (I still do this in Montreal as an adult but minus the bowl cut). It was Toronto, where most people are immigrants, and I didn’t think much about my Canadian identity. Until I got a whiff of real Canadiana. I always had a sense that my family didn’t exactly have their fingers on the pulse of Canadian culture. I wasn’t going to school on my donkey with a babushka scarf on my head or anything, but I did get sent with kielbasa-pickle sandwiches in my lunch bag. Things were always just a bit off. Though I would kill for one of those sammies right now.

One summer, my best friend invited me to her grandmother’s cottage. It was a smallish wood cabin that was a shrine to Canadiana kitsch. It was filled crocheted toilet paper cozies, mallard duck wallpaper trim, ruffled flowered curtains and framed instructions in the toilet praising the Lord and simultaneously instructing people on excretory etiquette. It was a magical place. We found a stack of her grandmother’s old comics under one of the beds. Misogynist cowboys romancing perky-bosomed beauties who were probably just very polite lesbians trying to mind their own business and tend to their horses. Everything in the cabin was an eclectic collection of authentic Canadian cottage life starting from the 1940’s. It was like a tiny museum. Entering into this world, I felt like I was a VIP Canadian being let into a charming cult.

The cult of Canadian cottage country still charms me. Which is why I tend to obsess over cottage real estate. Did you know that within 1-2 hours of Montreal, you can get a lovely waterfront cottage for a few hundred thousand dollars? That seem so reasonable, particularly if you were never really born with reason.

Well, if you are unreasonable like me but like to have reasonable appearing unreasonable goals, don’t I just have the thing for you? Or maybe 25. Yep, here are 25 cottage waterfront properties near Montreal for you. All under a reasonable $300,000. It’s so affordable you could probably just scrounge some change together that has fallen in the cracks of your La-z-boy recliner sofa to buy one of these things. Think of it as a sensible ticket into a charming cult. The reason abounds.

You should probably be listening to the Twin Peaks soundtrack as you do this.

Your dreams begin here:

*Please note I accidentally edited half of these photos with the photo shop express watermark logo in them and I will literally die if I have to redo them again. Just thinking about it makes me dry heave and I’m just not gonna do it. Good luck not focusing on them now.

DO’s and DON'Ts of interior design

DO’s and DON'Ts of interior design

Open concept

Open concept