Tiny House, Schminy House
I tried to write an introduction for my friend Mark’s article about building a tiny house. But instead, I ended up writing an absurd short story about a groundhog. If that interests you, click on the button below. If you would prefer a funnier read about millennials fulfilling their destiny during the pandemic and gentrifying the forest with a tiny home I hope they one day invite me to despite this frankly crap introduction, then please read on below. Please note that the tiny house in the thumbnail is a luxury Swedish hotel and not a tiny house made by real humans that I know.
Tiny House Schminy House
Tiny House? More Like Anal Cavity With a Futon
By Mark Smithers
We set off on this journey several years ago when we purchased a lovely cottage in the Eastern Townships. It had all the things you wanted in a cottage: space, many windows, 2 bathrooms, etc. But with COVID haunting our nightmares we realized that this just wasn’t what we wanted. What did we want? A tiny metal box that loves one thing, and one thing only: condensation.
Yes, we sold that lovely cottage and are converting a shipping container into a ‘liveable’ space. What this project has made me realize, beside fully understanding that no construction big box website has a live inventory, is that ‘liveable’ is a term that can be bastardized to such a point that it can be used in my previous sentence.
Fuck, what have we done? Besides egging on millennials that think becoming a barista is a long term position in life, I feel like my wife and I have made a grave error. But marriage, and life, and good South American empires are all about sacrifice.
What did we sacrifice? Well we might be ‘living’ in a shipping container for a few years but we have chosen this route because it is placed on a piece of land that would make God jealous. So sure, I can’t do yoga in the edifice I will humbly sleep in on the weekends because I will hit 3 out of 4 walls, but gosh darn it, you ain’t no man (sic) if you ain’t got no land.
And for us it is the land, not the ridiculously stupid metal suppository, that makes us happy. There are walking trails, creeks, deer, and probably a few buried horse and dog corpses, but most importantly a few dead horse and dog corpses.
So without much further ado, here are two city folk working on their unglamorous, unpretentious, and honestly just crap future abode. Hopefully with the help of Mrs Lady Nest, we could get the inside looking like a Dollorama version of her perfect designer taste.
So next up is getting the inside insulated and putting walls up. Then the fun Lady Nest stuff happens. For furniture we are looking at hobby shops because they sell furniture for dollhouses.
Part 2 hopefully coming soon. Unless of course the propane heater we use to stay warm kills us…