Uranok's Glory Hole Design Emporium and Donuts
Greetings Earthlings! Today’s post is dedicated to bad ideas. Namely, glory hole interior design. It’s hard to explain why some bad ideas are allowed to flourish in the soils of a decrepit mind seeking escapism and others are appropriately extinguished. However, this fucker made it and now it’s bearing fruit. So if you care to take a bite and let the juices of madness drip down your chin, click below. If you want to avert your eyes and look at the pretty pictures instead, just keep scrolling. I promise it’s more about an unfortunate alien trying to find his way in interior design than it is about anything actually pornographic, but you’ll just have to decide for yourself.
So, click below to enter Uranok’s Glory Hole Emporium (and donuts). Happy reading!
Here is a fine sampling of the various design options available at Uranok’s Glory Hole Design Emporium and Donuts. 2% off if you purchase a donut. Elevate your glory hole to be the central design feature of your home. Make your neighbours jealous and filled with homicidal rage. Then invite them over and replace the rage with glory. Also available in dog sizes.
Uranok’s artistic take on some alien-inspired designs:
This very much reminds me of the spa room at the horse prison.
The convenience of the portal to other galaxies mounted right on the wall nicely balances the inconvenience of snow couch maintenance.
Giant sandworms are a must for any living room. Be careful that yours does not try to mate with you. Giving birth to thousands of baby sandworms is excruciating pain. You will wish to be dead.
Ah! A magnetic conversation extractor. I have nothing more to say about this.
It is important to choose accent furniture that is at least 1000 times more interesting than you. Bonus points if it's been asked out on more dates than you.
Comfort distracts from mindfulness. Instead, select a cold metal chair, remove your eyes and place them on the coffee table, then focus on how your body feels starting from your eye holes.
I'm simply obsessed with furniture serving multiple functions: Bird lamp/discus for decapitating enemies/fake microphone for lip synching along to oldies.
This lamp reminds me of the time that a cubic beetle laid eggs in my face, then they grew to full size and tried to escape.
Add a little flare to any room with sexy poison flowers and space garbage attached to the wall. Then tie it all together with a discarded yak's pelt.
The best way to prevent your lighting orbs from escaping is to place some baby orbs beneath them. Their maternal instincts will kick in right away.
Round fruit can work in a pinch if you don't have baby orbs.
Repurposing the colon of moon slugs you have slayed is a good way to stay stylish and virtue signal.
I once had a crazy dream about Quoritania's side boobs that reminds me of this vase. That is also the spitting image of her ex on the wall.
Elevate your home depot garden trellis by surrounding it with neutral tones and rounded furniture.
Allow yourself to be inspired by the nightmare where the desert crabs bury you alive and then present your head to the sand urchins.
Hover furniture will soon become the must-have of any home.
When Marmanon steals your robot daughter's golden sphere, you must quickly imprison him in the infinity chamber of your living room before he figures out how to destroy entire planets with it.
But remain vigilant, a robot scorned is 90% more likely to murder you in your sleep.